12 year prayer saint bridget

What is 12 Year Prayer Saint Bridget?

The 12 Year Prayer Saint Bridget is a spiritual practice that involves reciting a set of prayers every day for a period of 12 years. This practice is named after Saint Bridget of Sweden, who is said to have received the prayers from Jesus Himself in a vision.
The prayers are meant to be recited daily for 12 years without interruption, and they are said to help the person achieve spiritual growth, enlightenment, and a closer relationship with God. The prayers are also believed to have many other benefits, such as protection from evil, forgiveness of sins, and the granting of special favors.

How to Practice 12 Year Prayer Saint Bridget

To practice the 12 Year Prayer Saint Bridget, you must first obtain a copy of the prayers. There are many versions of the prayers available online, and you can also find them in prayer books and other religious materials.
Once you have the prayers, you must commit to reciting them every day for 12 years. It is important to recite the prayers in a quiet, peaceful place where you can focus your mind and heart on the spiritual practice.
During the 12 years of reciting the prayers, it is recommended to keep a journal to record any spiritual insights, experiences, or blessings that may come as a result of the practice. This can help you stay motivated and focused on the practice, even when it may seem difficult or challenging.

FAQs About 12 Year Prayer Saint Bridget

Q: What are the benefits of practicing the 12 Year Prayer Saint Bridget?

A: The benefits of practicing the 12 Year Prayer Saint Bridget are numerous and varied. Some of the most commonly reported benefits include spiritual growth, enlightenment, protection from evil, forgiveness of sins, and the granting of special favors.

Q: Can anyone practice the 12 Year Prayer Saint Bridget?

A: Yes, anyone can practice the 12 Year Prayer Saint Bridget, regardless of their religious affiliation or background. The prayers are meant to be a universal spiritual practice that can benefit anyone who is willing to commit to the practice.

Q: Do I have to recite the prayers at the same time every day?

A: No, you do not have to recite the prayers at the same time every day. However, it is recommended to choose a consistent time and place for the practice to help establish a routine and maintain focus.


The 12 Year Prayer Saint Bridget is a powerful spiritual practice that can lead to profound spiritual growth and enlightenment. By committing to this practice for 12 years, you can experience the many benefits that come from a closer relationship with God and a deepening of your spiritual life. So why not give it a try and see what blessings and insights come your way?